How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki works by clearing the life force energy, or “Ki,” in your body. Similar to the Chinese “Chi” or Indian “Prana,” Ki is something that flows through all life. It flows through the physical body through energetic pathways, (these are Chakras, Meridians, and Nadis), as well as in and through organs and tissues. It also flows through your aura, which has many layers and can extend up to six feet away from your body! 

When your Ki is healthy, you are healthy. But when the flow of Ki is impeded by a blockage- like an injury, or even a negative thought or belief about yourself- then the affected part of your body can become weak. Illness, or “Byoki,” can develop because the flow of Ki is restricted. 

Reiki works by finding the Byoki, or illness, in each person’s body. It then breaks apart the energetic blockage there by charging it with positive energy, raising its vibrations and literally breaking up the negative energy. When this happens a client can experience an energetic release, where the blockage is lifted or melted away, causing a hot or cold sensation. This also allows negative thoughts and beliefs to be replaced by healthy ones. Reiki literally clears, straightens and heals the energetic pathways so Ki can flow better- that’s why some people feel more balanced or straightened out by the end of a session. 

Reiki energy is guided by a spiritual consciousness to know where to go in each person’s body. A practitioner only has to use their intuition to know where to place their hands for treatment. To start the flow of Reiki, all a practitioner needs to do is have the intention of sending Reiki to a client. They can also use symbols which they picture in their mind, draw with their hand, or say in their head to make the energy more powerful, to clear energetic blockages, heal mental/emotional distress, or to send Reiki from a distance. These symbols are sacred and part of the Reiki tradition, and cannot be shared with the client. Giving Reiki never depletes the practitioner’s own energy because it works by filling them up first, then going to the client. Giving a Reiki session can feel just as nice as receiving one for this reason!